
martedì 11 giugno 2013

Elkbi in Villa Borghese

Tre eventi eccezionali caratterizzano questo post: il primo vero assaggio di estate, l'occasione di poter essere truccata e acconciata dalla professionista Maria Laura Calandro e l'onore di poter indossare un capo disegnato e realizzato dal promettente brand scozzese Elkbi.

Nella splendida cornice del laghetto del tempio di Esculapio a Villa Borghese Maria Laura, la stessa truccatrice che si è occupata del make up durante lo spot per FoxTv a cui ho partecipato (POST QUI), mostra tutte le sue eccezionali capacità di makeup artist creando una splendida acconciatura e un trucco che riesce a valorizzare il mio outfit creando un'armonia cromatica perfetta.
Maria Laura Calandro è una makeup artist a tutto tondo che vanta esperienze di rilievo nel campo della moda, del cinema, dei videoclip musicali e del teatro e che ha saputo interpretare nel migliore dei modi la confusa idea che avevo in testa.

Una volta terminato trucco e parrucco sono finalmente pronta per lo shooting che ha come protagonista la splendida gonna marchiata Elkbi.
Una gonna lunga fin sotto al ginocchio finemente realizzata a mano con stampe e colori che ricordano uno stile hippie ma corretto e rivisto dalle scozzesi menti creative dei designer di Elkbi.
I talentuosi designer dietro questo brand si definiscono dei Craft Brewers del mondo della moda e il loro deisgn fortemente "scozzese" si mostra nei loro capi tutti rigorosamente stampati e tinti a mano.
"Elkbi was created to stand up against the swash of  plain high street fashion garments, a line in the sand where we stand for individuality and the art of producing one of a kind, or very limited run clothing editions. Due to the nature of the process we use, each garment is different to the next, and cannot be mass produced, by buying into Elkbi, you are getting a craft made limited run ‘wearable’ piece of art, with a huge emphasis on current trends or styles!"

Concludo questo post ringraziando chi mi ha dato l'opportunità di realizzarlo e vi invito a visitare i loro siti e profili per rimanere aggiornati sulle loro creazioni e iniziative.

Official Site
Facebook Page

Maria Laura Calandro
Facebook Page

Three exceptional events characterize this post: the first real taste of summer, the opportunity to be able to be made up by  Maria Laura Calandro and the honor of wearing a garment designed and made by the Scottish brand Elkbi. 

In the splendid setting of the pond of the temple of Aesculapius in Villa Borghese Maria Laura, the same make-up artist who worked on the make-up during the commercial for FoxTV (POST HERE), shows all of its outstanding ability to create a beautiful hairstyle and make-up that can enhance my outfit creating a perfect harmony of colors.
Maria Laura Calandro is a make-up artist that has relevant experience in the field of fashion, film, video clips and theater that has been able to interpret in the best way the confused idea in my head.

Once finished make-up and wigs i was finally ready for the shoot that features the beautiful skirt marked Elkbi.
A long skirt below the knee hand crafted with prints and colors with a reminiscent of a hippie style but corrected and revised by the Scottish creative minds of the Elkbi designers.
The talented designers behind this brand define them the Craft Brewers of the fashion market and their design strongly "Scottish" shows up in their garments all hand screen printed and hand dyed.
"Elkbi was created to stand up against the swash of plain high street fashion garments, a line in the sand where we stand for individuality and the art of producing one of a kind, or very limited run editions clothing. Due to the nature of the process we use, each garment is different to the next, and can not be mass produced, by buying into Elkbi, you are getting a craft made limited run 'wearable' piece of art, with a huge emphasis on current trends or styles! "

I conclude this post by thanking those who gave me the opportunity to make it happen and I invite you to visit their sites and profiles to stay update about their creations and initiatives.

Official Site
Facebook Page

Maria Laura Calandro
Facebook Page

Shirt H&M
Skirt  Elkbi
Shoes Rosario Cuomo
Accessories H&M e Pull&Bear

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